Interviews, insights, and expertise about leadership and Interim Management.
Denmark (15) Executive Interim Management (12) Executive Management (57) Interim CEO (20) Interim CFO (15) Interim Management (28) Interview (73) Staff (21) Sweden (26) Valtus (14) Video (17)
A Journey through HR Leadership with Eva Klevås
This interview highlights the career path and insights of Eva Klevås who has navigated diverse…
Navigating Complexities:
Insights into Corporate Restructuring with Jon SkjørshammerJon Skjørshammer is a leading authority in Norway on restructuring and insolvency. He works with…
Runar Nilsen:
Transforming challenges into successRunar Nilsen is an experienced business executive known for turning around underperforming international industrial and…
Executive Interim Management in Finland
Ten years ago, Executive Interim Management was largely an unknown concept in Finland, but since…
Valtus Group is growing with a new acquisition in Italy!
We proudly announce that STM (Studio Temporary Manager), a leading Executive Interim Management pure player…
Valtus Alliance expands in Eastern Europe, The Balkans, and the Baltics
As a step in strengthening our global network of Executive Interim Management services, Valtus Alliance…
Fredrik Hultner: ”Identifying needs and seeing the results of the changes is the best part of Executive Interim Management”
Fredrik Hultner started his career as a software developer but soon transitioned to working in…
Jan Långbacka, CEO, Managing Partner:
From a professional athlete to a Managing Partner of Nordic Interim Finland“Jan has worked in business development and general management positions for over 20 years, e.g.,…