Tag: Interview
Interviews, insights, and expertise about leadership and Interim Management.
Denmark (15) Executive Interim Management (12) Executive Management (57) Interim CEO (20) Interim CFO (15) Interim Management (28) Interview (73) Staff (21) Sweden (26) Valtus (14) Video (17)
Interview with Markus Baltzer: A Journey of Leadership, Growth, and Innovation
Markus Baltzer’s journey through corporate growth, experience in engaging Executive Interim Managers, and virtual reality…
Leadership insights: Maria Söderström on driving change as an Executive Interim CFO
Maria Söderström is a seasoned leader known for her dynamic career journey and passion for…
Joakim Kedbrant: Leading transformation at PostNord Sweden
Joakim Kedbrant is a professional Executive Interim Manager whom we have had the pleasure to…
Developing HSSE at Nynas
Åsa Falk is Group HSSE Director (Health, Safety, Security, and Environment) at Nynas, a role…
Welcome our new partner Roberta Guinzoni, to Nordic Interim’s Danish office
Roberta Guinzoni has 15 years of international leadership and HR experience across different industries for…
Digital Transformation Through a People Perspective
In today’s fast-paced business environment, digital transformation is a crucial factor for success, but often…
A Journey through HR Leadership with Eva Klevås
This interview highlights the career path and insights of Eva Klevås who has navigated diverse…
Navigating Complexities:
Insights into Corporate Restructuring with Jon SkjørshammerJon Skjørshammer is a leading authority in Norway on restructuring and insolvency. He works with…
Runar Nilsen:
Transforming challenges into successRunar Nilsen is an experienced business executive known for turning around underperforming international industrial and…
Fredrik Hultner: ”Identifying needs and seeing the results of the changes is the best part of Executive Interim Management”
Fredrik Hultner started his career as a software developer but soon transitioned to working in…