Gruppbild på medjy
Gruppbild på medjy

We look back on a spring with difficult challenges and trials for many of our customers. Some industries have been hit very hard, some have been hit milder and some industries and companies have seen and materialized new opportunities. An example of the latter is, which you can read more about in this newsletter.

When the autumn comes, many companies are facing a new “normal” and the types of leaders required for turnarounds, change initiatives, reconstructions, transformations as well as growth and cost-saving programs can be found in our networks. Given the new challenges the companies are facing, support for existing management and board may be needed as well as reinforcement to pursue specific critical initiatives or to temporarily replace leaders who leave. Through our two external owners and international partners, we have a large network of expertise in all areas of expertise and they are all at your disposal. We provide competence in more than 15 markets, a value-adding opportunity as travel restrictions and limited flight capacity are most likely to continue.

We wish all customers, Interim Professionals and partners a pleasant summer and we look forward to a continued collaboration during the autumn.

Björn Henriksson
CEO and Partner