How We Work

Since our start in 2004, we have developed and refined our process to quickly be able to identify the most experienced and available interim leaders, both nationally and internationally

Within two weeks, we have an Interim Professional up and running

We use a well-established process, which considers both the clients’ and candidates’ interests. Since our start in 2004, we have developed and refined our process to quickly be able to identify the most experienced and available interim leaders, both nationally and internationally.

Read more about our Interim Managers here.

Read more about Interim Management here.

We bring the skills and competencies needed in a time frame that exceeds our clients expectations

The Process

Phase 1: Definition 

  • Together with the client, our responsible partner defines the assignment and requirement profile 
  • Confidentiality level agreement 
  • Budget and fee agreement  
  • Start-up fee 

Phase 2: Identification och Presentation

  • Our experienced talent managers identify the most experienced and available Interim Managers according to set requirement profile in our internal and external network 
  • Presentation of 2-3 Interim Managers 
  • Candidate interviews with Nordic Interims responsible partner and client 
  • References  
  • Police record extracts for CEO and CFO roles  

Phase 3: Terms and conditions

  • Agreement on candidate fee, payment terms, terms and conditions for termination of the agreement, and terms for permanent employment of the Interim Manager 
  • Signing agreements with client and Interim Manager 

Phase 4: Assignment 

  • Assignment start 
  • Continuous follow-up with the client and Interim Manager   

Phase 5: Completion 

  • Completion of the assignment 
  • Debriefing with the client and Interim Manager

FAQ about hiring an Interim Manager

How do you verify your candidates?

We verify our candidates through personal or video meetings where we evaluate the person’s career, leadership style, competencies, personality, etc. We take references on all final candidates, and if the customer wishes, we also perform a background check. As we have long experience in managerial roles and executive search, we are able to understand our candidate’s background, experiences, competencies, and strengths.

We aim to have regular contact with our Interim Managers to build long and trusted relationships.

How long does a recruitment process take?

The process takes about two weeks and includes interviews with us and with the client, and references.

Can I hire the interim after completed assignment?

In our agreements, transitional fees for the direct employment of an Interim Manager are regulated. We have a great understanding for that this can be a win-win-situation for both the Interim Manager and the client.

What roles do you work with?

Our main focus is to solve challenges in company management positions and major initiatives/projects governed by the company management. Over the years, we have also developed networks in certain specialist areas, as well as with people with management consultant background and who have extensive experience of running larger complex programs/projects. 

Read more about our services here.

Read more about our Interim Managers here.

Why should I work together with Nordic Interim?

Nordic Interim is the largest and leading company in the Nordic region within Interim Management. We have over 16 years of experience in solving our clients’ challenges and with 11 partners in three countries, we have extensive knowledge of industries, challenges, transformations, management consulting, and identifying the best Interim Managers for each situation. Our clients are in both the private and public sector and we work with businesses of all sizes. We are a partner to both Interim Managers and our clients and are involved throughout the process. We cherish a personal contact.

Together with Valtus Group, we can also help our clients globally.

Learn more about us here.

What does your process look like?

Our clients need to find a solution quickly to solve business-critical challenges and problems. Mostly, they need a person in place within two weeks, but preferably yesterday. Over more than 16 years we have refined and developed our process and collaboration with clients and Interim Managers.

Our process is divided into four steps: Define the assignment and needed skills; Identification and presentation of the right Interim Manager(s); Agreements; and Assignment start. This takes roughly two weeks. We have an extensive network of verified Interim Managers and are able to quickly find the perfect match between client and Interim Manager.

Are you specialized within a special industry?

No, we cover, and have experience of, all industries within the commercial business and public sector.

What countries or areas can you provide Interim Managers?

We are active and have an international network all over the world.

How do you handle sensitive information?

Confidentiality is a matter of honour, both towards our clients and Interim Managers. At the beginning of each collaboration, we agree with the customer on the desired level of confidentiality, and we often use an NDA (non-disclosure agreement) before talking to the candidates. In our experience, this benefits all parties.

What background checks do you do?

We take references on all Interim Managers who are engaged. Many of these, have collaborated with us before. All our Interim Professionals at a leading level also sign a debit register certificate. We can also have a complete background check done. We collaborate with one of the Nordic region’s leading companies in background controls.

Do I have any guarantees if I engage you?

If an assignment should not develop as expected (which happens extremely rarely), we have termination clauses. These are assignment-specific, but the majority have one month’s notice. Of course, we help our client to find a replacement with equally strong qualifications. Nordic Interim has liability insurance for all our consultants, and all our interims at a leading level must take out a debit register certificate. We can also have a complete background check done.

What does an interim solution cost?

The cost of hiring an Interim Professional via Nordic Interim depends entirely on the role, situation and length and scope of the assignment. Briefly, it is considerably cheaper than hiring a Management Consultant. Together, we go through the challenges and assignments and calculate an approximate range of the fee level to be able to attract and engage the right person with the right calibre.

Do we need to pay a start-up fee?

Yes, we charge a small fee at the start-up of an assignment.