Christer Mohlins ger en presentation
Christer Mohlins ger en presentation

Christer Mohlin was engaged as interim Change Coordinator at Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset, including Nya Karolinska Sjukhuset in Solna, NKS.

Christer Mohlin has tried out many paths during his career. As a management consultant, he was part of Accenture’s strong growth in Sweden, where he was involved in building systems and drive change in the retail-, pharma- and finance industry.

After 24 years at Accenture Christer wanted to decide over his own time and took on the role as interim CEO for the hedge fund Systematic Capital Nordic at the same time as he held a coupe of board assignments. He was also engaged in local politics in Lidingö, mostly regarding children and youth issues, as he was interested in how his toolbox from consulting would work in a social/political organization. “I tried to go towards more transparency and fact-based decisions – and it exceeded my expectations!”

In 2016 he was contacted by Nordic Interim for the assignment as Change Coordinator at NKS, and he was tempted by the chance to do something for the society and to solve problems. The hospital had a new assignment within highly specialized care at the same time as ca 320 000 sqm new hospital space in Solna was to be put into operations. In parallel to this, the hospital was being expanded due to increased demands. The organization and business model were also going to be changed, affecting 16 000 employees.

 “On top of all the work in Solna, there were also about 100 smaller changes performed at the hospital in Huddinge, for example, a new delivery unit. Another large project was the new building for surgery and intensive care that was put into operations in 2020. My assignment was to help the management team to coordinate the work with the new care assignment, a new business model, and new buildings, on the highest level.” A common thread in Christer’s career has been technology, and at NKS a lot of the work included information technology and medical technology. “After a bit over three years at NKS, I was happy to see the last building being put into operations!”

Leading the coordination of large and complex changes at the same time as the critical business must go on, as usual, is not an easy task. “We created a master plan with the different work streams, milestones, and the most important connections. Risk analysis was extremely important – finding and avoiding potential risks. I worked hands-on with facilitating the solutions between project- and working groups.”

Christer says that they implemented two program offices, one for putting NKS in Solna into operations, and one for the remodeling of building and new buildings in Huddinge. A cross-functional team working with the new business- and organizational plan, was also established. “It worked out really well. For example, the new buildings were delivered on time and on budget. Also, the putting into operations of the departments worked very well. We made these changes in a very difficult and complex situation, which I am very proud of.”

Except from being a Change Coordinator, Christer also had a line manager responsibility and worked operationally with consolidating staff units. “The employees within care and staff are a fantastic mix of competent persons who are passionate about doing good for the society together with the human dimension. You will not find this in the same way in other industries. This is the most fantastic environment I have ever worked in.”

Christer has now completed his assignment at NKS and is now in Spain where he ponders about his next step. “I want to keep working within the same area; care, pharma, MedTech, etc. Maybe also some local political engagement. I want to do good for the society.”

 What are the advantages of working as an interim manager?

“As an interim, you enter the organization as an independent force with a clearly defined assignment. You stand outside of the internal politics and can thus quickly be part of the solution without being a threat. In this case, it was good that I did not take over anyone’s position, I only added value. As an interim you have an end-date, and that freedom does that you can go in and out of different roles and learn new things.”